Engineer's Report

The said-project is more or less 840 square-menters in a two-storey building.

The construction of LGU-Executive Building was started last January 2010. Approximately it's now seventy (70%) percent completed, with its finishing-touches in full-blast.

The ceiling and walling-ornaments are half-way accomplished, while tiling of the floor will begin very soon.

With the construction sked-targets advances, the inauguration is very near, "says the Municipal Engineer"

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*From The Mayor*

***To begin a governmental affairs as a common venture that is a joint-partnership between the community and the LGU; to-aim to restore confidence and credibility of those local-officials, is also a beginning that is to-work together for peace, unity, and progress; ultimately defeating the common ills of imposing anarchy and over-stringent bureaucracy.

Piat is envisioned to become the land of a unified people where a neighbor is a brother and everyone is an ally for peace and prosperity; the land where government and people are equally the benefactors and beneficiaries of the common good and welfare; the land free from the bondage of poverty and the misery of illness; free from the clutches of injustice dishonesty and corruption; free from the terrifying sword of oppression.

Construction In-Full-Swing

The above photo is *Balay Ya Maru*. It will house the LGU-Executive, its construction began last week of January this year, is in-full swing. Timetable for completion is way ahead, according to the unbeatable Mayor Nel.

In photo was the demolition of the Old Balay Ya Maru

The ceremonial blessing of the Northern*Post

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