The overall development goal as contained in the Medium-Term Philippines Development Plan (2000-2004) is to improve the quality of life for every Filipino through international competitiveness and people empowerment.
The macroeconomic targets are the following:
- Per capita income of at least $1,000
- Gross National Product growth rate of at least 10%
- Reduction in poverty incidence to 30 percent
The macroeconomic and sectoral goals and objectives are the following:
Macro-economy and Development Financing
Sustained and broad- based growth of output and employment
Price Stability
Sound balance of payment position
Agro-Industrial Development
Industrial restructuring for worldwide competitiveness and expand production of goods and services for domestic and export markets.
Strong productive and ecology sound links between agriculture and industry.
Adopt a location-specific and ecosystem-based development approach through the development of regional growth centers.
Human Development
Meet basic minimum needs of the population.
Provide focused basic services to the more disadvantaged sectors.
Harness the country’s human resources toward international competitiveness.
4. Infrastructure Development
Provide the infrastructure for primary needs of the population like water, power, roads, etc.
Provide support infrastructure for the productive sectors that serve as catalysts of development in desired areas.
5. Development Administration
Invigorate the public service towards greater productivity and more responsive service delivery and influence
the public to adopt socially desired values.
As a framework for action, the Regional Development Plan sets as its overall development goal a “Balanced Physico-
Socio-Economic Growth and Development.”
As a major dimension of this overall goal, the region aims for:
the attainment of an optimum and sustainable economic growth;
the provision of an equitable access to social services and economic opportunities;
the rational and sustainable utilization of its natural resources;
the regeneration and preservation of the region’s ecological balance; and
the achievement of optimum levels, balanced distribution and social welfare of the population.
The Provincial Government has two general objectives for 2000-2004 Medium Term plan.
These are to:
Generate and maximize the use of resources and revenue for the development of the province with particular attention to agro-industrial development and countryside growth and progress; and
To establish a mechanism, through administrative and organizational reforms, competent to undertake the following;
The maintenance of an acceptable level of peace and order in the province;
The increased level and balance of food sufficiency and of the unit productivity and yield of resources;
The increase in real terms of the average family income and the equitable distribution of income;
The provision of meaningful employment especially for the young who are coming into the labor force;
The increase of the level of productivity through appropriate technology which would reduce production cost, the maintenance of a distribution system for production inputs, the provision of viable market structures;
The sufficient consideration of the environment as a unity; recognition that the various elements which constitute nature and related in complex mutual interdependence.
The adequacy of the delivery of basic social services and facilities, providing Cagayanos equal access to social institutions and services.
The general welfare of Cagayanos is the overriding goal of the Provincial Government.
These specifically include the following:
To ensure and support the preservation and enrichment of the people’s culture.
To promote health and safety.
To enhance the right of the people to a balanced ecology.
To encourage and support the development of appropriate and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities.
To improve public morals.
To enhance economic propriety and social justice.
To promote full employment among the residents.
To maintain peace and order.
To preserve the comfort and convenience of the residents.
The responsibilities of dynamic and quality service lie on the shoulders of the present municipal administrators who have to prove themselves to be resolute stewards of the community.
This administration firmly resolves to pursue more vigorously the national government thrust to work continuously for total development, progress and prosperity. It will embark on projects and activities designed in the short term as well as in the long term for the upliftment of the masses.
It will undertake some bold measures to improve the three services associated with development so as not to be outdone by the progress achieved by the other municipalities. The three services are as follows: economic services, social services, and general public services.
As was done in the past, activities such as: the celebration of Independence Day and the sponsorship of a summer festival, which consists of sports, choral and beauty contest, will be revived. Foremost of all these activities, however will be the Sambali Festival during the festival season of Our Lady of Piat, which has become and integral part on the calendar of activities of the Department of Tourism.
Piat is undoubtedly the premier tourist spot of the region because of the presence of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Piat, but Piat is also envisioned to be known of something else. It will be developed in such a way that the slopes on all sides of the town proper will be terraced and planted with ornamental tress and flowering plants. Its streets will be lighted, drainage system will be installed, and Hostel/lodging house will be constructed.
Aside from these, Children Park and playground will be put up. Part of this park will be a bird zoo populated by birds, which used to abound in Cagayan.
Certainly, with the completion of the Multi-Purpose Gymnasium, Piat will also become a center of athletic activities not only catering to the people of Piat but even as far as Isabela and Nueva Viscaya.
On development programs, the focus shall be on setting up livelihood projects under the auspices of different reputable national and international agencies who are expected to provide technical assistance and funding. These will complement future plans to construct component infrastructures, form cooperatives and restore productive activities in the different sectors in the community.
The municipal government plans to undertake the following programs in coordination with the different supporting agencies in non-formal education: sending of barangay officials and employees to seminar workshops for upgrading.
As to Health and Nutrition, the Sub-Task Force on Nutrition is made to intensify its nutrition drive and services. This has to be undertaken to minimize the morbidity and mortality rates primarily caused by malnutrition. Success can be achieved with the joint working efforts of the local, national and different assisting agencies assigned in the municipality.
Food assistance, nutrition, information and education, health protection and food production are the four intervention schemes to be adopted to improved the nutritional status of the vulnerable groups composed of infants, pre-schoolers, pregnant and nursing mothers and school children.
A new future in health delivery service will be the extension of assistance to indigent patients in terms of medicines, doctor’s fees and accommodation. It is motivated by the saying: “No patient shall ever be refused medical attention by reason of poverty.”
In the case of Agriculture, intensification of production in all agricultural components such as livestock and poultry, rice and corn fruit trees is the present thrust. Strategic developmental goal is to maximize productivity in terms of existing hectares and utilization of idle but arable lands.
But this thrust can only achieve success and greater impact if the national government intensifies its support in making available at affordable price high yielding variety seeds, fertilizers and chemicals; if it embarks in the construction and expansion of irrigation facilities, farm to market roads, provides technological expertise in multiple cropping: fish and poultry farming and provides other supportive services through financial institutions, cooperative organizations, marketing and distribution system.
Honest and dedicated public service in its broadest sense will be stressed. The present administration having been given the privilege to serve the municipality is committed to do its best to bring the government closer to the people and the people closer to the government. This objective can only be attained however if there enough fund support from the national government, as well as the loyal support of the zealous dedication of all officials and employees of the national and local government.
Moreover, the national government should bear in mind that “There’s a moral reason to help the municipality of Piat, because it’s one place of the few places on earth where the power and presence of GOD can be intimately experienced.”
Wherefore, the municipality of Piat also wishes to reiterate its firm commitment to the thrust enunciated by the national government.
Agriculture forms the predominant industry in Piat contributing the biggest share in the total revenues of the municipality. Agriculture can thus claim priority as the vital component of the economic structure. It remains to be the solid base of the municipality’s economy providing food for its population. It is also the primary source of employment and income of the rural population and primary source of raw material surplus for manufacturing industries in the municipality.
This situation maybe seen as an off shoot of the scenario that will prevail in the municipality as these as the basic challenges and issues upon which development efforts shall be directed.
Development Challenges and Issues:
Unimproved farming techniques
Poor and inadequate irrigation system
Absence and poor farm to market roads
In-availability and inadequate supply of certified seeds which is output increasing
Quantity reduction in the use of inputs due to the increasing prices
Top soil deterioration due to erosion during rainy season
Destruction of crops especially those in the low lying areas
Low or limited coverage of existing loan financing scheme
Selective coverage of loan granted to farmers due to previous loan repayment difficulties
Non-institutional financial sources proliferate to fill in bulk of credit demand but at high interest rates
exposing farmers to perpetual indebtedness
Fluctuation of price support for rice, corn, sugar, tobacco and other types of crops
Inadequate levels, both in quantity and quality of extension services and personnel
Vegetable insufficiency during the rainy season
Inadequate post harvest facilities
High cost of production inputs
Limited mobility of extension workers
Inadequate demonstration farms
Poultry and Livestock
Inadequate meat supply to meet effective demand
Low technical levels in poultry and livestock management
Inadequate extension services in poultry and livestock
High acquisition cost of animal breeds
Limited availability of source of stocks of the recommended breeds or species
Degradation of livestock
Insufficiency of fish supplies for domestic market.
Low technical services to fish culture and conservation.
Prevalence of illegal fishing and unregulated gathering of fishery products.
Undeveloped inland body of water as fishing ground.
Development Goal: To increase and promote production and distribution of agricultural products; cooperative development and extension services.
Development Objectives
The ultimate objective of this sector is to help small farming and fishing families move from their current subsistence state to a level wherein they are able to undertake and sustain profitable enterprises on their own, enabling them to uplift their marginal existence and their quality of life. Policies and programs that will therefore be geared toward the attainment of this objective are the following.
Intensification and diversification of crop production
Strengthening of extension services and personnel qualitatively and quantitatively
Production of adequate certified seeds
Stabilization of price support for rice, corn, sugarcane, tobacco and other types of crops
Improvement of the credit delivery system and collection mechanism
Attainment of consistency in the price relationship between farm input and output
Minimizing crop destruction caused by flood and pests
Attainment of a year round supply of vegetables
Intensification of root crop and other cash crop production
Construction and upgrading of irrigation system and facilities
Provide additional roads and improvement of existing roads
Strengthen managerial and financial capability of organized cooperatives
Conduct farmers training to improve farm technology practices
Livestock and Poultry
Attainment of sufficiency in most production
Provision of adequate financial and technical support to small scale raisers and prospective people who venture in poultry and hog raising
Perpetuate and upgrade the breeds of livestocks through the introduction of locally adaptable commercial breeds.
Maximize fish production for domestic consumption
Establishment of more fishponds
Promotion of fingerling production for distribution to fishpond operators
Production of marine resources through promotion of sustainable fishing methods
Development Policies and Strategies
The growth of rural productive employment that will enhance the income of farming households is the primordial development thrust of the agricultural sector thus emphasis will be placed on the creation of an economic environment conducive to increase agricultural activity and income. In order to achieve such thrust, non-government organizations and people organizations will be tapped to supplement the assistance given by the government.
Land utilization will be intensified encompassing the availability of a year round supply of irrigation water that will allow multiple cropping and increase the benefits derived from the use of high yielding rate varieties. Adequate irrigation water provides employment-generating effects that ultimately improve income of farming communities.
Adequate supply of certified seeds will be assured as production thereof shall be encouraged among farmers
Greater application of recommended quantities of fertilizers and bio-chemical inputs will be encouraged
Indigenous material farm wastes and complimentary organic fertilizers will be explored
Recent farming innovations that include control of weeds, pest and diseases, the use of superior varieties that are output increasing will be diffused and readily adopted with the substantial improvement of the extension services, workers who should undergo training and skills seminar that would aid them in their communication capabilities to the farmers.
Greater participation of farmers in training programs that will allow extensive diffusion of new technologies
Demonstration farm classes will be established in every barangay for greater acceptability of farming methods that will empower small farmers to improve their quality of life
Improvement in the marketing and post-harvest facilities through the establishment of drying facilities that will reduce post harvest lossMutual consistency in the pricing of farm inputs and outputs will be observed to provide sufficient incentives to small farmers and help them bring about a favorable term of trade for this sector.
Agriculture Credit Extension
Credits will be re-structured to allow the purchase of recommended farm inputs and other needs
Borrowing from non-institutional sources which charge high interest rates shall be discouraged through participation of farmers in agricultural cooperatives
Priority in credit extension should be given to CLT holders to abate disequilibrium caused by the abandonment of agriculture by the previous land owners
Proper utilization of agricultural loans shall be monitored by the farm technicians to ensure increased productively/yield of crops and greater capacity of repaying the loan
Collection mechanism will be improved to encourage the expansion of credit coverage.
Infrastructure support shall be intensified
Farm to market roads shall be improved and expanded to facilitate movement of goods
Irrigation facilities shall be improved and year round water supply be assured for greater productively and employment
Rural based farm activities will be consistently promoted to compliment the growth of agriculture income
Maximize productivity in terms of existing hectarage and utilization of idle but arable
Promote appropriate modern farm technology
Strengthen managerial capability of organized cooperatives
Poultry and Livestock
Animal dispersal program shall be invigorated to support the industry
Easily bred species of livestock and poultry shall be introduced
A regular seeding program of all communal bodies of water shall be undertaken
Dispersal of fingerlings to fishpond operators shall be undertaken regularly
POLICY - Increase production in all agricultural components
Development Targets
Recruitment of additional fifteen (15) agricultural technicians to meet the standard ratio over the plan period.
Construction of irrigation system to cover a total of 700 hectares of arable land over the plan period.
Provision of post-harvest facilities: 25 multi-purpose drying pavements and 20 threshers/shellers within the planning period.
Construction and improvement of 225 kilometers of farm to market roads within 2002-2006.
Promotion of bio-organic farming.
Acquisition of hybrid animals or undertake artificial insemination.
Culture and dispersal of fish in all existing bodies of water.
Procurement of motorcycles to facilitate project monitoring.
Establishment of demo farms and barangay nurseries.
Development Issues and Challenges
Inadequate market facilities giving rise to very limited variety and quantity of household goods
Poor public market building condition
Strong tendency of the local residents to go to Tuguegarao City where merchandise is relatively cheaper
Limited commercial activities due to limited capital
Ineffective utilization of capital available from financial institutions
Lack of organized marketing system in the municipality
Absence of a development plan for the public market
Development Objective
The development of this sector shall be geared toward job opportunities, better and additional income for the population and a more attractive and efficient commercial services within the municipality.
Specifically, the objectives are:
To improve the physical condition of the existing municipal market to accommodate and attract new investments
To upgrade the flow of the existing commercial activities to deflect the attraction of Tuguegarao City to regular local commuters
To establish an effective marketing system
To provide financial and technical assistance to potential entrepreneurs
Development Strategies
Improvement of the existing market facilities.
Technical and financial assistance shall be provided to potential entrepreneurs who shall be encouraged to capitalize on business ventures of local patronage.
Incentives through local measures such as low tax rates shall be provided to induce expansion of commercial activities.
Skills training and information drives on business opportunities shall be initiated by the local government and to private sector.
Dependable water supply shall be provided to induce development of commercial activities.
Development Targets
Improvement of the public market complete with water supply, drainage and sanitary facilities over the plan period
Enact local measures e.g. low tax rates and other dues to pioneering entrepreneurs over the plan period
Organized consumer cooperatives in every barangay within the planning period
Provision of soft loans and grants.
Formulate a development plan for the public market.
Development Issues and Challenges
Limited access of small entrepreneurs to institutional credit due to inability to meet collateral requirements
Lack of capital, equipment and technical assistance of local investors
Lack of trained manpower needed by small enterprises
Limited coverage and high cost of power of existing electric facilities
Inadequate information on market and modern technology
Lack of outside investors
Development Goal:
To promote or encourage the establishment of small and medium-scale industries.
Development Objectives
This sector has the following objectives:
Expansion in the operation of existing industries
Growth and development of small-scale industries utilizing locally available resources
Existing cooperatives in the different barangays shall be revitalized to support the growth of industries.
Establishment of financing institution, which will provide continuing financial assistance to business, ventures.
Development Strategy
Technical assistance to improve performance of existing industries through the provision of information market and technology. This will eliminate restraint felt by enterprises in their desire to expand their operation imposed by risk factors such as uncertainties in the cost and supply of raw materials, future price and demand for their product.
Enlist DTI to inform the local entrepreneurs on the viable projects they could venture into.
Service coverage of the CAGELCO within the municipality will be expanded and the availability of dependable and cheap power supply will be assured.
Incentives shall be given to existing cooperatives in order that they expand their operation and continue giving credit to industries needing assistance and capital outlays.
Favorable environment for investment in terms of peace and order will consistently be provided in order that businessmen are attracted to establish new industries in the locality.
To provide training or incentive support for enterprises that is involved in the processing of raw materials.
POLICY - Create a viable investment atmosphere
Development Targets
Total electrification of the municipality within the plan period to induce the growth of industries.
Manpower training on specific skills required by incipient industries will be conducted.
Institutional credit by both government and private sector will be assured to existing and potential investors over the plan period.
Local tax incentives shall be enacted over the plan period to sustain the growth of industries.
Formulation of a commercial district development plan.
Development Issues and Challenges
Lack of financial support for tourism development
Inadequacy of facilities such as electricity, water, hotels, and restaurants.
Inadequate alternative-routes/roads
Poor marketing strategy
Lack of shopping centers
Absence of recreational facilities
Undeveloped natural tourism potential
Inadequate lodging facilities for pilgrims
Enhancement of socio-cultural awareness for development
Inadequate comfort rooms for pilgrims
Development Goals
Promotion of tourism as another source of income for the municipality
Improvement and maintenance of resource/tourism potentials in the municipality.
Development Objectives
To promote and enhance the tourism potential of the municipality.
To encourage government and private sector to invest in tourism development.
To establish and implement an effective promotion system through continues and intensive information campaigns and advertisements.
Development Strategies
Motivation of the private sector in the promotion of tourism.
Establishment of a souvenir shop for unique and good quality products.
Tap all concerned agencies for technical and financial support for the enhancement of tourist spots and for the expansion of cottage industries supporting tourism sector.
Closer linkage and coordination with the Department of Tourism for all available forms of assistance in the promotion of the Sambali Festival and the Basilica Minore of Our Lady of Piat.
Provision of tourist facilities and assistance services
Conduct of socio-cultural activities
POLICY - Enhance tourism potential
Development Targets
To establish hotels, restaurants and authentic souvenir shops to serve the needs of the tourist starting 2002.
To evolve a comprehensive tourism development plan over the plan period.
To undertake massive campaign in coordination with the Department of Tourism and other private sectors starting 2002.
To improve the existing waterworks system to provide tourist with safe potable drinking water over the plan period.
To develop the existing inland body of water called Mapannao Lake for Eco-Tourism.
Encourage private investors to construct shopping centers.
Establishment of Municipal Park.
Improvement of the sanctuary of Our Lady of Piat.
Completion of the multi-purpose building (Gymnasium).
Regular conduct of socio-cultural revival like Sambali Festival.
Construction of adequate comfort rooms (toilets).
Development Issues and Challenges
Inadequate postal service and facilities
Absence of postal delivery vehicle to facilitate delivery of mails to remote barangay of the municipality
Lack of letter carriers
Lack of telegraphic personnel
Inadequate telephone service and facilities
Poor cable video satellite facilities and services
Development Objectives
Improvement of postal service through the expansion of the Municipal Post Office and the provisions of adequate postal service.
Establishment of a telephone service office for faster telecommunication access of the residents to outside municipalities and/or other countries.
Facilitate delivery of letters and telegrams thru recruitment of additional letter covers, acquisition of at least one mail delivery vehicle and appointment of one telegram carrier.
Development Strategies
In the attainment of the sector objectives the following policies are to be enforced:
The LGU shall coordinate with the Philippine Postal Corporation in the installation of a Barangay Post Office in the center of cluster barangays manned by one personnel/letter carrier.
The LGU shall negotiate with the Bureau of Telecommunications regarding the appointment of one telegram carrier for the municipality.
Additional one (1) letter carrier shall be recruited to meet the standard ratio of 1:5000 populations.
One mail delivery vehicle shall be acquired.
A telephone exchange shall be established within the municipality.
Development Targets
Installation of a Barangay Post Office in the center of cluster barangays.
Acquisition of postal facilities and equipment within the plan period.
A telephone exchange and facilities will be established over the plan period.
Additional one letter carrier shall be hired to conform to national standard requirement.
Acquisition of a mail delivery vehicle for the letter carrier.
Hiring of a telegram carrier within the plan period.
Improvement of existing cable facilities and services.
Development Issues and Challenges
Massive soil erosion due to limited forest cover
Flooding along rivers and creeks causes the destruction of agricultural crops and settlements during high river flows.
Many households are having only one toilet while some households have unsanitary toilet facilities.
Poor garbage disposal system especially in the rural barangays.
Inadequate and dilapidated drainage system.
Inadequate dumping site
Inadequate garbage equipment and facilities
Ecological balance at growth centers.
Development Goal: To promote a healthy and clean environment.
Development Objectives
To support the objectives of the agricultural and health sectors the following objectives are identified:
Control of flooding and erosion along rivers and creeks.
Reduce or eliminate flooding by improving drainage system or facilities.
Healthy environment thru provision of adequate sanitary toilet facilities.
Proper garbage disposal thru educational campaigns.
Development Strategies
To realize the objectives set forth, the following strategies will be implemented:
Local officials shall make representatives with concerned agencies for the funding and construction of a river control system.
Planting of trees along buffer zones shall be undertaken.
Clogged waterways will be cleared to improve drainage within the urban core.
Households without toilet facilities will be provided one under the help scheme.
Households with unsanitary toilet facilities will be encouraged to install sanitary ones.
Educational campaigns will be conducted massively to enjoin rural folks to observe proper garbage disposal.
Development Targets
Construction of a river control system along Rio Chico River where massive erosion occurs over the plan period.
Massive de-clogging of the drainage system in the urban core within the plan period.
Conduct of regular educational campaigns over the plan period.
Construction of sanitary toilet facilities for every household without one over the plan period.
Facilitate establishment of legitimate dumping site
Acquisition of garbage truck and other equipments.
Undertake massive tree planting during the planning period.
Construction of drainage and sewerage system.
Establishment of ecological park in all barangays.
Development Issues and Challenges
Shortage in housing persists due to the following factors: Prevalence of double-up households
Low average family income and high cost of living resulting to a low rate of capital formation
Prohibitive cost of land, building materials and construction works.
Limited availability of institutional credit for low income families and high interest rates at shorter pay-off on loan
Fast family formation rate against slow housing construction rate thus adding more to the problem of big housing backlog
Existence of a greater number of dwelling units made up of light materials, which will not last due to obsolescence, dilapidation or natural calamities.
Inadequate housing units for low income families
Absence of socialized housing program
Lack of government lot for socialized housing
Development Goal: To provide the housing needs of the low-income families.
Development Objective/s
The basic objective of the sector is the provision of decent housing to the greatest number of families. The added significance of this sector lies in the ability of the municipality to generate productive employment opportunities for the labor force and provide additional income services of the farming families.
Farmers, fisherfolk, low and middle income households shall be the target clientele for the housing benefits taking into due consideration thus affordability levels.
Introducing socialized housing schemes and the introduction of new housing concepts that are cheaper and/or the use of indigenous, inexpensive materials shall bring down acquisition cost of housing unit.
The housing backlog within the plan period shall be minimized
Existence of doubled-up houses shall be minimized
Good residential areas shall be maintained
Construction of sanitary toilet facilities for all household without one
Reduction in the number of households with unsafe water sources
Enforcement of the zoning ordinance and building code to control housing construction and unplanned settlements.
POLICY - Encourage low cost housing
Development Strategies
To realize the sectoral objectives, the following policies shall be enforced:
Promote the use of durable indigenous materials in housing construction
The private sector will be encouraged to enter into joint venture agreement with housing agencies like the NHA in the construction of both economic and socialized housing.
The HUDCC shall be tapped in the identification of housing sites for socialized housing.
Hastening construction rate by at least 19% annually will check housing backlog.
The zoning ordinance will be enforced to curtail land speculation in order that a greater number of families may purchase lots for housing.
Housing projects will be established in conformance with the land use plan of the municipality.
Decent housing through provision of safe water supply and encouraging households to construct sanitary toilet facilities.
Development Targets
Hastening construction rate of 10% annually within the plan period shall lessen housing backlog.
Low-cost housing opportunities to benefit at least 10-15 low and middle-income families shall be provided annually over the plan period.
The zoning ordinance will be strictly enforced to regulate housing development over the plan period.
Formulation of socialized housing plan.
Acquisition of lots for socialized housing.
Development Challenges and Issues
Presence of socially and economically disadvantaged group especially among the low-income bracket of the population who cannot take
advantage of broader social and economic opportunities due to very low-income level.
Attainment of desired result of social welfare service is hindered by lack of personnel to effectively supervise and follow-up progress of the activities of the recipients.
Funds loaned out for self-employment assistance is too low to be of real help to start a small income-generating project.
Frequent occurrence of disasters, like floods, typhoons or fires that victimized even the economically disadvantaged families thus compounding their problems.
Numerous children particularly among economically disadvantaged families.
Prevalence of youth offenders and juvenile delinquents
Absence of Senior Citizen’s Welfare Program
Inadequate funds for social welfare and development program
Development Goal: To provide the needs of the distressed, displaced and disadvantaged individuals and families.
Development Objectives
To meet the challenges the social welfare, the sector shall aim for the attainment of the objectives:
Acceleration in social and economic development of the most disadvantaged segments of the society particularly those in the rural areas.
Extension of maximum support to the objectives of other social sectors like health nutrition family planning education, housing and like those in the economic sectors.
Closer supervision and follow-up of the recipients progress in the various social welfare programs.
Provision of adequate funds and bigger loans under the self-employment assistance program to serve a bigger number of qualified beneficiaries.
Provision of free occupational skill trainings designed to serve out-of-school youth to enable them to learn particular skill to engage in a profitable business leaving them no idle time to commit juvenile offenses and other delinquent acts.
The Social Welfare Staff will be increased to meet social welfare standard ratio.
Life and property losses due to natural disasters will be minimized through community preparedness and emergency and rehabilitation services.
Assistance from the private sector and non-governmental organizations shall be tapped in the following areas:
Generation of additional funds to augment the limited resources of the office
Acquisition of food items and clothing for possible disaster victims.
Assistance from the private sector during emergencies by transporting victims and their belongings to safer grounds.
Volunteer workers of the agency will be trained on disaster preparedness in order to lessen impact of the events in the lives.
The constitutional mandate of free elementary and secondary education will be strictly enforced.
Inter-agency coordination among the social services and community development agencies will be intensified for greater clientele reach.
Development Strategy
Priority in the implementation of the program and services shall given to the most depressed barangay
P0LICY - Uplift the living conditions of the bottom poor
Development Targets
Extend more self-employment assistance to target clientele over the plan period, correspondingly increasing amount of loan to fully assist recipients in their project.
Conduct regular follow-up visit to self-employment assistance program recipients within the plan.
Conduct annual fund raising drives to augment the meager resources of the agency in order to reach out to a bigger number of target clientele within the plan period.
Employ additional social welfare staff to meet social welfare standard ratio.
Establish a public high school to enable a greater number of the disadvantaged group to avail of free secondary education in 2002.
Eradicate or minimize drug addiction/alcoholism.
Establish a Senior Citizen’s Welfare Program
Advocate Reproductive Health Program
Acquisition of transport vehicles
Construction of relief and day care centers
Development Challenges and Issues
Low quality education.
Inadequate and dilapidated school facilities
Inadequate instructional materials.
Absence of information center
Limited absorption of existing secondary high school.
High incidence of drop rate due high cost of education.
Sustainability of good Itawes culture and values.
Development Goal/Objective:
To improve the educational system and access of disadvantaged to quality basic education and promote healthy family relationship.
POLICY – Ensure Quality Basic Educational System
Development Strategies
Promote establishment of an information center
Continuous upgrading of manpower capability.
Encourage families to venture into other source of livelihood.
Promote establishment of public secondary school.
Advocate good Itawes culture and values.
Development Targets
Conduct/Sponsor a regular training of manpower to upgrade their capability.
Construction, repair and improvement of school building facilities.
Acquisition of more textbooks and other school materials.
Restrain or limit schools from requiring unnecessary contributions from pupils and students.
Establish public secondary school.
Provide livelihood to families as an alternative source of income.
Preservation and revival of good Itawes culture and values through festivals
Development Issues and Challenges
Inadequate sports and recreational facilities
Absence of sports complex that would encourage other forms of sports other than basketball.
Absence of children’s park within the locality.
Lukewarm attitude of the people toward sports activities.
Absence of sports development program
Lack of sports equipment
Development Goal: To promote sports consciousness of the municipal residents thereby making them active participants in development.
Development Objectives
The promotion of the physical well being of all the populace of the municipality is the ultimate objective of this sector. Specifically these are:
Provision of adequate recreational facilities in the municipality, which are essential to the physico-social development of an individual.
Promotion of other forms of sports other than basketball.
Provision of a park with adequate play apparatuses.
Conduct of a yearly competition on athletics in the different barangays that will culminate into an inter-barangay competition.
Stress on the spirit of friendly competition and honesty on athletics and sportsmanship in all kinds of sports, as this healthy attitude will form the young persons guiding principles towards adult life.
Encourage government employees to undergo physical fitness program regularly.
Generation of funds from the public and private sectors to peg-up the existing facilities and equipment in the public sector.
Training of potential athletes among the grassroots level for bigger competitions such as provincial mats and SEA games.
POLICY – Enforce Sports Development Program
Development Strategies
In order to promote the physical well being of all the residents, the following policies shall be implemented:
The Local Government Unit allocates from its funds and/or to request additional funds from concerned agencies for the development and improvement of the gymnasium into a sports complex.
A park equipped with play apparatuses shall be constructed to provide children the necessary space for play and recreation and private a place where adults could while away their time. The private sector shall be tapped to assist in the attainment of the project with the LGU as the main source of funding.
Multi-purpose pavements in the different barangays will be the center of cleanliness and beautification to give the residents therein a proper setting for socials and inter-action thus minimizing the usual practice of converging along road shoulders which is a traffic hazard practice among the rural dwellers.
Promotion of athletic meets wherein native games will be included as regular events in athletic competitions
Municipal employees will have monthly "Alay lakad" or similar physical fitness program to be participated by teachers, pupils and other interested parties.
Potentially good athletes in the grassroots level shall be trained for future participation in athletic competitions.
Development Targets
Construction of park complete with play apparatuses and other facilities will be undertaken.
Improvement of the municipal gymnasium to accommodate other sports activities other than basketball within the plan period.
Indigenous sports shall be included as regular events in the annual athletic competitions within the plan period.
A regular fitness program for the community residents will be conducted every month starting year 2002 up to the end of the plan and even beyond.
Construction of multi-purpose pavement for other outdoor sports
Formulation of sports development plan
Procurement of sports equipment
Acquisition of lot to be developed as sports arena
Development Challenges and Issues
Limited coverage of existing electric facilities
Frequent power failure
Low supply of electric current
Development Goal: To accelerate community development through electrification.
Development Objectives
The provisions of adequate and dependable power supply to all types of consumers in the municipality to accelerate community development and promote a fuller and more progressive life for all residents. Specifically, these are:
Provision of a more efficient power service.
Provision of electric power to all barangays and houses within the municipality.
Provision of Power – power installation rates among low-income households in the rural barangays.
Development Strategies
Households in the rural barangays will be provided with electrical connections on easy installment basis. To attain this, the S.B. will pass a resolution as basis for negotiations.
Power lines shall be properly maintained by regular clearing of lines and rotten poles are replaced to minimize occurrence of power failures.
Development Targets
Installation of electrical facilities for total electrification of the whole municipality and all dwelling units.
Observance of power line maintenance over the plan period.
Installation of adequate transformers by the service provider.
Campaign on consumer’s vigilance/awareness on the services provided by the existing electric company.
Development Challenges and Issues
Inadequate source of potable water supply
Inadequate treatment of domestic water supply
Absence and inadequate provision of year-round irrigation water supply
Dilapidated existing waterworks system.
Development Goal
Provision of an adequate supply of safe potable water for domestic, commercial and institutional uses and the provision of adequate supply to support the agricultural production.
Development Objectives
Improvement of public health through pollution abatement and control of water – borne diseases.
Provision of adequate potable water through chlorinization
Provision of year round irrigation water supply
Development Strategies
Expansion of level III waterworks system to provide the increasing water needs of the populace.
Preservation of public health standards by chlorinization for safe water supply and to control water borne drives.
Availability of controlled and stable irrigation water supply for greater agricultural production.
Development Targets
Construction of more water pumps/wells in the different barangays within the plan period
Construction/rehabilitation of irrigation canals during the plan period
Construction of an additional Level III waterworks system to reinforce the services of the existing waterworks over the plan period
Provision of metering devices to all household with water system connections over the plan period
Rehabilitation of existing waterworks system within the planning period.
Chlorinization of all existing water supply
Development Challenges and Issues
Deteriorated conditions of roads
Most barangay roads are only earth filled roads
Most provincial roads are gravel surfaced only
Lack of transportation vehicles plying in the rural areas especially during rainy season.
Lack of funds to construct and rehabilitate transportation facilities
Development Goal: To provide accessible transport facilities for the transfer of agricultural products to market.
Development Objectives
The main goal of the sector is the improvement of the level of accessibility of the areas where transport facilities hamper the economic and social progress.
Specifically, the objectives are:
To improve the physical condition of all existing roads in the municipality
To initiate the concreting and asphalting of provincial roads.
To provide adequate transportation services to facilitate movement of people, goods and services in support of the LGU over-all socio-economic objectives of the plan.
Development Strategies
As transport is essentially a service sector, the demand for its development will continue to support the programs and projects envisioned for the different social and economic sectors.
Farm to market roads will be properly maintained and upgraded to increase the participation of the rural population in economic activities and bringing them closer to the mainstream of socio-economic activities in the Poblacion
Encourage private sectors and investors to increase transportation facilities that will cope with the demand in transportation through tax incentives and information drives.
The maintenance of all municipal roads shall consistently be an infrastructure priority project of the LGU. Concrete paving of provincial roads will likewise be a priority. Towards the attainment of this policy, a resolution will be submitted to concerned agencies for funding and implementation.
Appropriations for the barangay road improvement shall be strictly enforced.
To provide and define a parking space for public utility vehicles in consonance with the land use plan of the municipality
Regulations covering vehicle overloading, weight limits and safety standards shall be strictly enforced for convenient, efficient and safe transport service.
Development Targets
To regularly improve and maintain all roads and bridges in the municipality to make them conveniently passable to public transportation.
To increase through private sector investment the number of transport vehicles to a number that shall adequately and efficiently serve all barangays in the municipality.
To asphalt or concrete all provincial roads within the planning period
To provide and define a parking area in the urban core by 2003.
Development Issues and Challenges
Local Government Organization
Need to provide effective internal and external coordination and linkage for effective delivery of services.
Need for clear-cut definition of personnel/responsibilities and organizational functions.
Local Fiscal Management
Inadequate financial resources.
Tax implementation of rules and regulations and methods of revenue collection.
Development Goals and Objectives
To develop an efficient local organization responsive to the development needs of the locality.
Make the municipality a self-reliant community in terms of increased fiscal resources.
Development Strategies and Policies
To enable the fiscal sector to spur socio-economic development, fiscal activities like synchronized tax system and expenditures will be used as significant tools through which objectives of development will be attained. Resource allocation will be guided by the following considerations to improve income distribution.
Channeling of resources from current operating to capital expenditures to support the expanding production activities.
Increase in local government resources to be able to finance proposed projects.
In order to attain revenue targets, the following measures will be undertaken:
A more Effective Revenue Administration
Administration improvement will contribute substantively to the increase in the revenue of the local government unit without necessarily increasing tax rates. Tax laws will be strictly enforced to minimize delinquencies. Tax campaigns will be intensified to raise tax consciousness among the people.
Implementation of Real Property Tax Administration
An area of great potential is the tax on land and property. Such tax will provide significant revenue from areas that are not currently well taxed and will contribute in minimizing discrepancies of income. This is aimed at increasing the real state collection through tax mapping, tax record management, tax appraisal and tax collection.
Updating the Local Revenue Code/Tax Ordinance.
Installation and maintenance of local revenue data bank.
Delegation of tax collection functions to barangay treasurers starting with community tax certificates and the real property taxes.
General revision of market values, assessment and classification of real properties.
Continuous study on other possible sources of revenue.
Local reserves are derived mainly from two sources: 1) allotments and aids from the national government; 2) local taxes, fees and charges.
Aside from regular allotment granted under PD 1744, local government units received the following aid from the national government funds as provided under R.A. 7160.
Rural improvement and Community Development Fund
Contingent Fund
Calamity Fund
Highway Special Fund
Philippine Charity Sweepstakes, Horse Race and Lotteries
To augment local revenues, local government is also given the power to contract borrowings or loans. The following areas should be studied and explored as other sources of revenues.
Presidential Decree 752 governs and conduct and management of the credit transactions and borrowing schemes of provinces, cities and municipalities. Such power have been broaden to include loans from funds secured by the National Government from foreign sources and a deferred-payment financing scheme. Furthermore, credit-financing schemes are now available to local governments through inter-local government loans, loans/credits from national lending institutions and bond financing.
Bilateral funding schemes with foreign countries are also available for development projects. Foreign countries donate or lend funds to local governments for development projects.
Imposition of Administrative and Judicial remedies in the collection of delinquent taxes, fees and charges.
The above strategies shall be undertaken using steps and procedures with specific schedule of activities to be undertaken during the period covered by the LRP. The most effective activities shall be taken into account.
Steps and Procedures of Strategies
1. Updating the local ordinance/Revenue Code
The Local Government Code of 1991 provides for some charges in the revenue raising powers of LGU’s especially the power to increase the maximum rates, fees and charges which can be imposed by LGU’s. To benefit from the positive effects of the new Tax Ordinances in accordance with the provisions of R.A. 7160.
The code allows the LGU to adjust the rates of Local Taxes, Fees and Charges once every five (5) years to be able to cope up with the increasing cost for the delivery of basic services. For a systematic and comprehensive updating of Local Tax Ordinance, the LGU’s shall undertake Tax Codification, a process which consists of compiling all tax/revenue ordinances of the LGU into a single document called Local Tax/Revenue Code.
2. Intensive Local Tax Information Campaign
Strategies to be adopted for the improvement of the LRP:
2.1 Dissemination of vital information to taxpayers before the deadline of payment of Local Taxes, Fees and Charges like the following data, which could be sent to them as, notices.
2.1.1 Amount of taxes, fees and charges due
2.1.2 Deadline for the payment of obligations
2.1.3 Procedure for the payment of taxes, fees and charges
2.1.4 Discount and other incentives for advance and prompt payments
2.1.5 Penalties for late payments
2.2 The above information shall be communicated to the payer through:
2.2.1 Written notices delivered by mail, through BC officials, Treasury and Assessor’s Office personnel.
2.2.2 Streamers, posters or billboard displayed at conspicuous public places barangay assemblies
2.2.3 Tax information using public address system
2.2.4 Use of radio
2.2.5 Tax information through local publications
3. Installation and Maintenance of Local Revenue Data Bank
This system is systematic file of information pertaining to and needed in the collection of local taxes, fees and charges. The objective of which is to make needed information available for precise and speedy computation, collection and recording of revenues and to facilitate the identification of delinquent taxpayers, tax evaders and untapped/un-maximized sources of revenues.
4. Continuous Field Monitoring Tax Bases
Some tax bases can not be determined through the one-shot comprehensive survey of tax bases because there are instances where the computation of the corresponding tax is based either on the daily operation of business or on the volume of resources actually extracted from the local government area of jurisdiction. Since some taxpayers are operating their business but are not residing in the municipality, they are not covered by the survey of tax based among residents. There is a need to establish a checkpoint and to assign checkers to monitor tax bases, which cannot be determined through a survey.
5. Delegation of Revenue Collection to Barangay Treasurers.
The procedures involved in the delegation of revenue collection functions to barangay treasurers are the following:
5.1 The SB shall enact to tax ordinance authorizing the Municipal Treasurer to deputize the Barangay Treasurer to collect taxes, fees and charges of the LGU.
5.2 The Municipal Treasurer delegates the functions to the Barangay Treasurers who must be properly bonded.
5.3 The deputized Barangay would collect only specific taxes delegated to him within his barangay
5.4 In the Barangay Treasurer collects Community Tax, 50% shall accrue to the general fund of the municipality and 50% to the barangay where the tax is collected.
5.5 All collections made by the Barangay Treasurer should be properly acknowledge/through receipts or other prescribed accountable forms (e.g. Community Tax Certificates).
6. Administrative and Judicial Remedies in collecting Delinquent Taxes, Fees and Charges.
R.A. 7160 provides civil remedies for collection of delinquent taxes namely: Administrative Action and Judicial Action. These remedies maybe pursued concurrently or simultaneously at the discretion of the LGU concerned.
7. General Revision of the Market Values, Assessment and Classification of Real Properties.
One system by which LGU’s can substantially increase their income from real property taxes is through the general revision of the market values, assessment and classification of real properties. This was undertaken within two (2) years from the effectivity of R.A. 7160 and will be done every three (3) years thereafter.
Development Targets
Local Government Organization
Conduct a least five (5) regular trainings/seminars within the plan period for the benefit of LGU personnel.
Greater cooperation and coordination among all offices operating in the municipality.
Regular meeting of the Municipal Development Council.
Sending or allowing employees to attend seminar workshops to upgrade their knowledge and skills.
Fiscal Management
Total income is targeted to increase yearly from 2001-2005. This is expected to come from the existing tax structures and new local revenue measures.
Improvement in the collection of income with the operation of the new stalls to be constructed at the new public market to be financed by government financing institution.
MPDO & DaNiProductions2007