Chapter Six
Table Of Content
Existing Land Use

Proposed General Land Use Plan

Proposed Urban Land Use Plan



A. Concept of Land

      Land maybe viewed as a property – a private commodity to be owned, used, bought or sold for personal comfort or profit. Land is also viewed as a shared natural resource, much like are and water, to be conserved and given care with due regard for its effect on society as a whole and for the condition in which it will be passed on to the future generation.
      Our legal system recognizes both of these concepts. It protects a persons right to own and use his property by it also permits the government to impose limitations on its use in order to protect public health, safety and general welfare.

Land use
      Land use is the predominant activity or function on a specific land area or location at a given time. The specific use of a given area represents the interaction of physical, social, economic, historical and political factors.

Land Use Planning
      Land use planning is the art and science of ordering and managing the uses of the land and its environment. It is a rational and deliberate allocation of the major physical resources of the country, which is land, to direct uses based on a comprehensive and integrated plan for the area. Otherwise known as physical planning, this process considers not only the physical characteristics of land but also the socio-economic and politico-legal elements.
      Land use planning is of paramount importance. It guides decisions on land use and development so that resources are put into the most beneficial use for the people. It is pursued to secure the maximum practical degree of economy, convenience and beauty. By land use planning, several problems and undesirable effects such as ecological hazards, destruction of natural resources due to floods, siltation, sedimentation, erosion, pollution, etc; blight and many others may be prevented.

Land Use Plan
      A Land Use Plan is an expression of a community’s intent as to what its future pattern of land uses should be. It identifies areas to be devoted to various types, densities and intensities of use categories. It also identifies the principles and standards that should be applied in the development and conservation of such areas.
      A Land Use Plan is normally one component of a comprehensive development plan. It is the centerpiece of the entire comprehensive plan, the linchpin that holds the other elements together. A Land Use Plan is to a community what a floor plan is to a building. It determines what activities are to go where, and it tells when, how, how much and why.

General Goals and Objectives
      The general goals in the land use planning of Piat are the following:
      To maximize utilization of lands based on close proximity or potential use and their capability to co-exist with one another in harmonious manner.
      To protect and safeguard public health and safety from harmful effects of pollution, floods, erosion, and from danger of life through careful management and compatible arrangement of the various land uses. To separate land uses which are in conflict and linking of spaces of use which are alike in character and complementary in nature.
      To preserve the values and desirable character of real estate, district or zones because of reduced risk of the diminution of values arising from incompatibility and conflict of uses, and; To ensure a rational and orderly growth of the community.

      The steps followed in the formulation of the land use plan of Piat are as follows:
      Identification of problems, needs, goals and objectives based on preliminary assessment of its physical, social, economic and political characteristics.
      Analysis of existing situation including present land use patterns and projections of future needs. Identification of land use problems in terms of existing development patterns and formulation of land use goals and objectives in relation to the sectoral goals.
      Preparation of the plan which is done by a team of lanners from the MPDC Staff and the HLURB. Adoption of the plan which takes the form of a resolution or a formal enactment of adopting the plan thus transforming the plan into a legally enforceable document complete with penal sanctions.
      Implementation of the plan which involves all agencies and instrumentalities of the government. This involves the use of fiscal and legal tools such as the exercise of regulatory powers, eminent domain or taxation. Review of the plan which involves the evaluation and assessment of the plan after it ahs been enforced for a reasonable period of time.

      The determinants used in the preparation of the land use plan of Piat may be clarified into physical, socio-economic and political. The physical determinants include slope, soil type, climate and topography. Physical constraints which directly limit land use are natural risk areas such as flood-prone areas and erosion-prone areas. Socio-economic determinants include population distribution and activity system which political determinants consist of government policies on land tenure and other measures of control.

Land Use Categories
      Land use categories are the various classification of land based on its predominant or exclusive use. The urban land use categories in the Land Use Plan of Piat include residential, commercial, institutional, industrial and parks/open spaces. The general land use categories consist of agricultural, open grassland, built-up areas and agro-forestry.

Derivation of the Proposed Land Use Scheme
      Before a rational land zonation scheme was formulated for the municipality, a thorough analysis of physical, socio-economic, legal as well as practical planning consideration was undertaken. The process of identifying the best use and distribution of land resources was facilitated by the systematic use of the eco-engineering approach to map analysis. Known as the sieve-mapping technique, this composite mapping tool involves the overlaying of selected inventory and criteria maps to derive analytical decision maps.
      The composite analytical maps are derived by delineating specific categories on the relevant thematic maps based on particular features or factors. The analytical maps are then inputs in the derivation of more composite maps. Refinement to each subsequent iteration is done by applying ecological and engineering principles as well as practical planning considerations. This is similar to the Geographic Information System (GIS) which employs the same methodology using state-of-the-art computer technology. For the municipality of Piat, the manual version was employed.
      Basically, the derivation process hinges on the identification of constraints to development. The 1st set of constraints maybe classified as purely dictated by the physical environment. Examination of geologic properties, erosion potentials, and slope categories provided the data for the 1st iteration. The geologic map reveals the suitability of the structural properties of the rock formation underlying the municipality for land development. The erosion potential of the area reveals the logic restraining high intensity development. The slope map reveals that lad development maybe encouraged only in areas indicated by the gentler slopes.
      Aside from the natural and physical characteristics of the area, there are certain development constraints which limit the optimum use of land, one which is the existing land uses. As a general policy, existing uses, particularly agricultural, residential, institutional and commercial areas are maintained provided they pose no threat or do not conflict with adjacent zones. Likewise, the protected agricultural areas have been affected due considerations. The Preferred Spatial Strategy: Growth Point Area Development Strategy
      The selection of the spatial strategy for the municipality was decided on the basis of several criteria. First, the municipality is practically an agricultural community. Given this fact and after considering the macro policies that are brought to bear on the development of the municipality, the progress of Piat will revolve around an agricultural led type of development.
      Second, the physiography of the municipality permits extensive agricultural production and agro-forestry. Flat lands located at the western portion of the municipality maybe dedicated to extensive rice production with proper interventions with concerned government agencies. The sloping areas at the northern and eastern periphery of the municipality make agro-forestry activities a very attractive opportunity. Sugar cane production is a profitable livelihood along the interior and central portions of the municipality where the terrain and soil dictates high sugar content yield of sugarcane.
      Third, the municipality is a minor urban center brought about by the presence of a national shrine at the poblacion of the Basilica Minore of Our Lady of Piat. Development should still be the focused on the poblacion area integrating two adjacent barangays to serve as expansion areas. As such, structures and mechanism should be developed and maintained to prepare and sustain the municipality for the transformation of the area into a major national tourist spot.

      To balance the growth of the urban core and the same time hasten the development of the barangays and throughout the municipality as a whole, the Growth Point Area Strategy is proposed as scheme of affecting a balanced and equitable development within Piat.
      The concept of development requires the selection of a barangay within a cluster as a growth point area to serve as the initial focus of community development activities and location of sites for socio-economic activities.
      The physical form of this development is radio-centric as the existing transportation network allows direct linkage of the growth points to the Urban Core, which serves as the major growth nucleus in the municipality.
      The general land use plan which is primarily conceptual and structural is evolve to operationalize and implement the concept plan of equalizing the development of the entire municipality.
      To operationalize the Growth Point Area Strategy, the following barangays are hereby designated as growth point where intermediate goods and services will be concerned.
      1. Barangay Villarey
      2. Barangay Gumarueng
      These barangays shall be the sub-urban cores which are envisioned to foster economic growth in out laying areas. The choice of these barangays as growth points has been based on the following factors.
      1. size and population
      2. existence of transport system
      3. existence of educational facilities
      4. availability of water and power supply; and
      5. potentials for development
      The urban core shall continue to be the focal point of growth within Piat where higher level of goods and services shall be concentrated. Only the following user shall be allowed therein:
      1. residential
      2. commercial
      3. institutional
      4. functional open spaces
      5. utilities
      The areas along both sides of the National Road beginning form the Maguilling junction going northward towards Barangay Baung will serve as the expansion area of the Urban Core. Likewise, the existing residential areas adjacent to the Poblacion in Barangay Aquib shall be part and parcel of the residential districts of the Urban Core. On the other hand the following identified sub-urban centers will serve the following barangays:
      1. Villarey – Catarauan, Warat, Sto. Domingo
      2. Gumarueng – all barangays located on the northern portion of the municipality.
      For these identified sub-centers to wholly function as growth points capable of fostering growth in adjacent barangays and attracting socio-economic activities that would contribute to the over all growth and development of the municipality, the following must be assured:
      The full cooperation and active participation of barangay officials and residents in theses growth nodes especially in decision making. All members of the community must be stakeholders in contributing to the progress of the area because maximum progress requires maximum participation from them. Expansion of power service coverage.
      Improvement of existing transportation network and the availability of efficient transport facilities so that the urban core and the growth points will reinforce each other toward a unified development of the municipality. Availability of adequate water supply for drinking and irrigation purposes.
      Expansion and improvement of educational facilities
      Expansion and improvement of medical services and facilities
      Provision of sanitary toilet facilities for every household
      Provision of adequate sports and recreational facilities
      Establishment of training centers for out-of-school youth and needy adults
      Availability of adequate supply of farm inputs
      Availability of adequate space for future small and medium scale industries
      Expansion in the operation of existing industries in order to increase employment opportunities Improvement of extensive and intensive services

      The growth point areas shall develop into self-reliant and self-contained communities that would serve as nuclei of community development among out laying non-growth or satellite barangays with the extensive interaction of agencies in the implementation of various infrastructure projects and the maximum participation of the community members.
Such shall entail the following policies: As first priority, dependable water supply and power supply shall be provided in all growth points. Likewise infrastructure facilities like transportation facilities and services linking the urban core to the growth points shall be upgraded and maintained so that they mutually shall beef up each other toward a wholesome growth of the municipality.
      A Zoning Ordinance will be enacted and enforced with regards to the physical establishment of development projects. Year round irrigation water supply shall be assured for maximum agricultural production. Livestock, poultry, fish and vegetable production will be integrated with crop production.
      Educational facilities within the growth points shall be improved to include the provision of adequate number of textbooks and other necessary facilities.
      Beautification and environmental sanitation will be promoted in the growth points. Rural postal circuits will be established in the growth points to facilitate mail collection and delivery.
      The spatial requirements of socio-economic projects will be implemented within the plan period in order to enhance the role of those barangays as growth point area.

      Being a minor urban center in relation to the province, it is imperative to discern the general pattern of growth within the municipality in order to relate it to the extent of change which maybe possible in the light of governmental resource available. From is information, judgment can be made as to whether existing patterns can be retained to meet the needs of the coming years, or whether an entirely new scheme be needed to hasten the development of the municipality as social and economic patterns continue to change.

A. The Existing General Land Uses
      The municipality’s total land area of 19,118.67 hectares contains a variety of land uses that have evolved in response to population and economic growth.
      The linear pattern of development is clearly evident within Piat. Concentration of development is along roadsides especially along the national Highway leading to Piat and even in the barangays where settlements are found.
      The general land uses of Piat are classified into build-up area, agricultural, open grassland, roads and water bodies.

1. Build-up areas
      Built-up area, when used in the general land use includes all residential, commercial, institutional, industrial uses or even groups of houses of more than ten containing inherent components of settlement area. The existing build-up area for the whole municipality is approximately 301 hectares representing 1.57% of the total land area of the municipality.

2. Agricultural Land
      Agricultural land includes those areas devoted to rice and corn production and areas planted to permanent crops such as mangoes, root crops, legumes, vegetables and root crops. An aggregate area of 13,092.42 hectares comprising 68.48% of the municipal land area is classified as agricultural in use.

3. Open Grassland
      A total of 4,826.93 hectares accounting for 25.25% of the total land area of the municipality has been observed to be open grassland. A small portion of this land use is being utilized or managed as grazing or pastureland while the major portion is left idle or unused. These areas are along areas with slope category of 9%-17%.

4. Industrial
      Found in Barangay Sto. Domingo is the Cagayan Robina Sugar Manufacturing Company which has sugar mill that stands on a 25.02 hectares lot occupying 0.13% of the total land area of the municipality.

5. Roads
      This land use includes all roads traversing the municipality and crisscrossing every barangay. They may either be national, provincial, municipal or barangay roads. An approximately area of 109.30 hectares are occupied by this land use category accounting for 0.57% of the total land area of the municipality.

6. Water Bodies
      Water bodies include inland waters such as rivers, creeks, swamps and the like. This land use occupy an aggregate area of 764 hectares or 4% of the municipal land area.

B. The Existing Urban Land Uses
      The existing urban core includes five (5) barangays namely Poblacion 01, Poblacion 02, Baung, Aquib and Maguilling.
      A total of 877.88 hectares make up the urban core broken down into unregulated mixture of land use categories namely residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, utilities, parks, agricultural, idle land and creeks.

Residential Use
      This includes all lots and areas occupied by structures used for residential purposes. These residential structures are sporadically found within the territorial limits of the urban core. The aggregate occupied is approximately 28.88 hectares comprising 3.290% of the total land area of the urban core. 2. Commercial Use
      This includes all areas occupied by the public market, stores, shops, and other structures dealing with mercantile activities. The aggregate area occupied by this specific use is approximately 3 hectares representing 0.342% of the total urban core.

3. Institutional
      Included in this land use category are the various schools, offices, churches, the rural health clinic and even the municipal hall compound. The approximate area occupied by this use is 10.60 hectares which represents 1.207% of the total area in the urban core.

4. Industrial
      Industrial activities within the urban core is very limited for an aggregate area of 200 sq. meters representing .002% of the total urban core. This land use is represented by two (2) existing furniture shops and some home industries.

5. Roads and Utilities
      This land use category includes the roads and streets within the urban core and utilities such as cemeteries and the municipal abattoir. A total area of 8.5 hectares comprising about 0.986% of the total planning area of the core. 6. Parks
      Included in the land use category are the municipal park within the Municipal Hall Compound and the mini-park at the Poblacion 01. These parks occupy a total area of .38 hectares representing .043% of the total land area of the urban core.

7. Agricultural
      Agricultural areas found totally surrounding the urban core in all directions. The approximate area occupied by the specific land use is 431.31 hectares comprising 49.131% of the total area of the urban planning area. Idle and Open Grassland Open spaces left idle and virtually utilized for grazing purpose due to physical constraints like slope category of 8% and above are found within the urban core. These areas are mostly located along Barangay Baung and a part and along Barangay Maguilling. They occupied an aggregate area of 391.27 hectares constituting about 44.57% of the total area of the urban core.

9. Water Bodies
      The Rio Grande running along the northwestern length of the urban core and the various creeks traversing Barangay Baung and Maguilling occupy a total aggregate of 3.92 hectares. This represents 0.447% of the total land area of the urban core.

      Lands are instruments of national development. They are not meant to be abused by a few, but to be used by many to improve the quality of life for all. They should not be developed nor their original purpose altered by any construction on the land without prior classification of such lands and without the permits granted by the government.
      The government exercises responsibility to alleviate the shortage of land caused by conflicting demands for its use by restructuring the mal-distribution and misuse of land towards a more rational pattern of development that will create a wholesome physical environment conducive to the pursuit of the country’s socio-economic goals; to effect an increase economic efficiency that disperses more socio-economic benefits to a greater number of people.
      For the proper management of land resources, the land use plan is established to seek and promote the optimum use of this natural resource thru an integrative plan for the land and for settlement purpose. The plan has both negative and positive control over land uses. It defines where certain types of land uses and investments should or should not take place. It designates growth centers, it suggest areas where population and intensive economic activities are to be concentrated or deflected, instead of being arbitrary located along transport routes, in congested areas or maybe in scattered, small or ill-serviced areas.
      The land use plan is likewise dynamics and comprehensive. It provides for adequate flexibility and responsiveness to a wide range of physical, social and developmental needs. Modifications and revisions are provided over time as changes foreseen and unforeseen are monitored. Rights and privileges are continually adjusted in the use of land resources for the continuing implementation of sound land use plan and policies.
      Due consideration was given to the different determinants of land use proposals physical, socio-economic and political. Population growth is however the main parameter for land use proposals for the urban core and the whole municipality spatial requirements for the expected dwelling units, infrastructural support of the population basic needs have been allocated. In the general land use proposals, built-up areas will necessarily increase. The proposed general land uses are as follows:

1. Built-up Area
      Built-up areas shall be expanded in the urban core and the identified growth mode areas. Its expansion aims to provide the spatial requirements for the demands for settlements areas and their necessary components such as for commercial, institutional needs, infrastructural and medical needs.
      The biggest expansion shall be in the urban core providing space for the construction of new dwellings units in response to expected population increase.
      Commercial areas shall likewise be expanded as a support activity to the municipality’s role as tourism sport and in anticipation of the increasing demands of the populace.
      Projects which do not specify particular area for construction shall be allowed to be established within the existing built-up areas where there are adequate spaces provided that said project does not adversely affect public health, safety and convenience and that it should not alter the essential character of the area, co-existing peacefully with the land uses therein.
      Built-up area expected to increase from 301 hectares to 523.44 hectares to represent approximately 2.74% of the total land area of the municipality.

2. Agriculture
      The area occupied by agriculture is considerably reduced specially in the urban area to meet spatial requirement for settlement areas and their necessary components. The areas affected, however, are non-prime agricultural lands and those not very suitable for production purposes. And, the reduction is proposed to be supplemented by cultivating the still vast open grassland.
      The focus on the agricultural sector is increasing the production output per hectare of rice, corn, vegetables and other agricultural products to meet the demand of the current population and its increase over the ensuing years.
      Agricultural area is proposed, therefore, to remain at 13,092.42 hectares to represent 68.48% of the total land area of the municipality.

3. Open Grass Land
      Apparently decreases in area are open grasslands to allocate space for an agro-forestry project of the local government and for future spatial requirements for urban settlements. The three-meter easement on both sides of all water bodies within the urban core and a twenty-meter easement along rivers and creeks within the urban core and a twenty-meter easement along rivers and creeks within agricultural area will remain as open space and as much they are not buildable nor should they be cultivated. The aggregate are to be occupied by open grassland shall be 3,192.51 hectares to consist 16.70% of the total and use of the municipality.

4. Industrial
      Industrial area is proposed to be increased from its current of 25 hectares to 37 hectares in due consideration of the municipality’s role as an agro-industrial center brought about by the operation of the only sugar mill in the region.
      The increase shall also accommodate future establishments of industrial activities in support of the primary role of the municipality as tourist spot and pilgrimage center. The increase to 37 hectares shall represent 0.19% of the total land area of the municipality.

5. Roads
      The existing road network within the municipality is fond to be adequate to serve the transportation needs of the populace. Its maintenance or improvement shall be the main concern of the national and local government during the plan period.
      Road area shall remain constant at 109.30 hectares constituting 0.57% of the total municipal land area.

6. Agro-Forestry
      In conjunction with the Department of Agriculture programs and projects a 1,400 hectares of land shall be developed as an agro-forestry area allocated at barangay Baung. The agro-forestry area of 1,400 hectares shall represent 7.32% of the total land area of the municipality.

7. Water Bodies
      Due to proposed infrastructural projects to arrest erosion along water bodies, it is expected that the area of water bodies shall remain at status quo.
      The existing area of 764 hectares comprising 4.0% of the total land area of Piat shall remain as such over the plan period.

      The urban core being the center of development needs to be judiciously allocated to different space requirements or land uses which have to be arranged and managed carefully according to their compatible, potential and assigned uses or functions based on the comprehensive development and integrated plan.
      In the formulation of the Urban Land Use Plan, due considerations are given to the following major points.
      1. projected population up to the end of the planning period; 2. standard space requirements;
      3. physical constraints;
      4. significance of the assigned uses of the different districts or zones in relation to the total development of the locality;
      5. functional role of the municipality in relation to the province and region; and
      6. physical, socio-economic and legal parameters.
      The ULUP is a broad delineation of land uses within the urban core. It sets forth the development direction towards the fulfillment of an orderly growth of the community. It is supportive to the development of the functional areas or growth point’s community. It is supportive to the development of the functional areas or growth points identified in the development concept as it rationally regulates the growth of the urban core, setting the direction and extent of expansion for a sound and balanced physico-socio-economic development.
      The urban core is not limited to the municipality’s Poblacion proper. It is noted that the generally rolling and at certain points steep terrain has restricted development to be undertaken at an intensified manner. As such, Barangays Aquib, Baung and Maguilling are included as part of the urban core by reasons of proximity to the Poblacion, existing structures built upon these barangays. Extending the urban core to these barangays is likewise by reason of necessity due to their physical potential of being settlements sites considering the Poblacion to have very limited area to accommodate spatial requirements of households to be formed in the future. As such, the following are the urban use proposals, to wit:

Residential District
      To provide the needed spatial requirement for the growing population based from physical planning standards for residential purposes, there is a need for allocation of additional areas for residential expansion purposes and maintenance of the residential character of all existing residential spaces. The following standards and assumptions are considered in the allocation of residential space.
      a. one dwelling unit per household
      b. average household size in 5
      c. 26-27 households per hectare
      d. 155-165 persons per hectare
      Considering that the population in the urban core increases more rapidly than in the rural areas as a result of natural growth and in-migration, these is a dire need of allocating more residential spaces therein. By using the set standards, approximately 126 hectares and 172 hectares shall be required in years 2002 and 2010, respectively. It is therefore proposed that the existing 28.88 hectares shall increase to 175.62 hectares to provide for an expansion area during and even beyond the planning period to effect a balanced physical development within the urban core.
      Residential districts shall be used principally for residential purposes to free the area from nuisance arising from mixed uses. However, other allowable uses based on the zoning compatibility matrix shall be permitted to exist in the residential districts.

Commercial District
      The expected increase of commercial activities coupled by expansion and construction of commercial facilities dictates the proposal of increasing the area to be devoted for commercial district. By using the set standard of 1.5-3% of the total urban area allowed as commercial expansion, more than eleven (11) hectares shall be required. The existing 3 hectares is thereby proposed to increase to 14.86 hectares. Some residential areas shall be converted into commercial zone considering their locations, potentials for commercialization and the trend of development.
      It is hoped that the proposed commercial area is adequate within and even beyond the planning period. Institutional District
      There is an increase in the area for institutional use to give way to the proposal to establish a public secondary school in Barangay Baung within the vast landholding of the Cagayan State University, Piat Campus. The exigency of the establishment of a national high school is pushed by the absence of secondary schools that can offer secondary education to the school age population at an affordable level.
      The institutional district is proposed to increase to 14.86 hectares to represent 1.66% of the total urban core area.

Roads and Utilities
      Road construction and expansion of utilities shall be undertaken within the urban core. The proposal is inevitable in order to provide the infrastructural support needed to effect a balanced development within the urban core.
      Inescapably, the area for roads and utilities is proposed to increase to 14.78 hectares which constitute 1.68% of the total land area of the urban core.

Parks and Open Space
      The banks of creeks with at least 3 meters easement on both sides and 10 meters easement on both sides along agricultural areas within the territorial limits of the urban core shall be open spaces pursuant to Philippine Laws on water bodies. These areas are not buildable hence non-negotiable and restricted for any kind of development. Open space likewise include functional areas for recreational such as the existing parks and playgrounds within the urban core.
      The area to be occupied by parks and one space is 1.6 hectares which comprise 0.18% of total area of the urban planning area.

Agricultural District
      Area for cultivation within the urban core has substantially decreased in the urban core. The reduction is the result of expansion of residential area, road construction and the establishment of an agro-forest within the urban core. Notwithstanding the decrease, areas affected have been delimited to agricultural land not considered prime agricultural; marginal in nature.

      The main Poblacion lies on a generally higher relief and rolling terrain where development has been concentrated. The effect of natural growth and in-migration as an outgrowth of socio-economic opportunities shall naturally affect the environmental quality of the area. To arrest impending adverse effects and preserve ecological balance, the municipality has proposed to put up an agro-forest that shall occupy 412.16 hectares which consist 46.95% of total land area of the urban core. Existing idle and open grass land shall be converted for the purpose and some portions of agricultural lands found at the margins of open grassland are to be developed as agro-forest areas. Water Bodies
      With the infrastructural interventions like erosions control measures and dike construction, it is hoped that the area occupied by water bodies be maintained and remain at 3.92 hectares which represents 0.45% of the total area of the urban core.

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