In the past, development planning has generally been done from top to bottom. Higher authorities then were responsible in making plans and were also responsible in implementing programmed activities. As a result, there was a lesser participation of the masse and this contributed to the slow pace of countryside development.
Development planning now envisions bottom-up planning. This strategy has enhanced broader participatory democracy in the field of planning through the organized barangay development councils in the different barangays.
Alongside with the mobilization of the barangay development councils, the Municipal Planning and Development Staff (MPDS) were organized. This staff is responsible in the formulation of Five-Year Development Plan, which embodies therein Local Investment Plans (LDIP) in accordance with real needs of the Municipality.
The following LDIP covers the fiscal years 2002 to 2006. Hopefully, these planned targets will be carried out as expected.
The Local Development Investment Plan has been formulated based on the following objectives:
1. To integrate and synchronize plans and program documentation requirements of local government particularly province and municipalities.
2. To ensure harmony and consistency in the formulation and documentation of local development and investment plans and programs.
3. To continuously upgrade the competence and capabilities of local government and their respective technical staff planning, programming, financing, and implementation of development investment programs, projects and related activities.
4. To provide opportunities for national and local development planners and executives to reconcile their views and concepts, philosophies and strategies for local government development.
5. To enable the municipality to schedule projects according to the availability of resources.
6. To enable the municipality to coordinate all projects towards definite direction of growth.
The Municipal Planning and Development personnel undertook review and careful analysis of the local government expenditures in order to determine the net funds. An increase is likewise anticipated from national aid and specific tax allotment with an updated sharing scheme over the planning period.
To maintain the funding estimate for the LDIP, about ten percent (10%) annual increase is projected to support government personnel services. This takes into consideration the effect of inflation.
To ensure the implementation of the various projects and activities contained in the local development plan, the 20% Municipal Development Fund required in PD 144 as well as the Barangay Development Fund are incorporated with LDIP funds.
Included in the LDIP are projects to be funded by the National and Provincial Government. The sources of data upon which analysis was based were obtained from the following:
1. Maps and other statistical data on the physical condition of the various are of development provided by the different agencies.
2. Census report to population information.
3. Municipal Treasurer’s Office reports on employment salaries and other expenses.
4. Records from the economic, agricultural surveys and other data, which are available.
5. Records from the Office of the Municipal Treasurer were obtained to analyze the trend of revenue and operating cost of the municipality available for development projects. The estimated revenue collection for CY 2000 as approved by the Provincial Treasurer as basis in determining annual percentage increase in tax collection over the plan period.
MPDO & DaNiProductions2007