CeC Futuristic Program
The Community Electronic Center has been developing for almost four years now to be exact. It's prime service to the communtiy shall only considered to-be minimal. However, this type of service where Piat still considered as fourth-class municipality in the province of Cagayan, Piat has been the first to-computerize all of its 18-barangay offices, all barangay treasurer and secretary have undergone religious orientation and training in-using computers. This was made possible in the recent program or project jointly implemented by this website-developer, and with the inexhaustible support of the unbeatable Mayor Nel Guzman -- The Barangay Computerization.
To-day all of the barangay offices in Piat have at least two-computer units, complete with accessories and printers that relieve them from the burdern of manual-typing using typewriter.
In this development, the rural-folks has been considerably prepared and ready for the next-leap of information technology development, so that the widening-gap between urban and rural communities, in terms of technology, will be minimised.
The time has come for the people of Piat to look forward on this development, more specifically, in the establishment of a Rural Information Center (RIC), where consolidation and integration of all necessary information concerning rural communities can be delivered at-a-click onto their doorstep. This RIC shall be another project of the unbeatable Mayor of Piat, and this website-developer, in the very near future.