Transparency @ Work

        This is in compliance to the call of the national leadership for a transparent LGU-government, thru the initiative of DILG-MLGOO, these information and data are made public, even worldwide, for all to see how our meager resources are being spend and disburse for the benifit of our constituency.
        Sangguniang Bayan Resolution # 8; Series of 2011Please follow this LINK!!!.
        For any questions or whatever comment, everybody is invited to mail us at: or simply write your comment in this LINK!!!.

The FrontLine Services

        As part of our dedicated-service to the public, the LGU-Piat has prepared an outline on the Front Line Services to facilitate a direct-service to the community and our constituency. "PLEASE KLICK-HERE"

AllRights © - MLGOO-Piat & DaNi Productions2011

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