The Barangay Computerization aims to prepare or rather introduce to the barangay Officials, as well as interested law-abiding citizens, in each barangay, the usage of a computer machine in place of a traditional typewriter in preparing and doing their day to day barangay correspondence.
Mayor Nel Guzman while signing the certificates of participants in the Seminar Workshop conducted in each barangay.
We also expect that the next technology will reach rural areas. The internet. Because of this, we shall also be preparing our barriofolks and barangay citizens for the next level of technological advancement.
The Barangay Computerization will also introduce the so-called office automation. They will be having freedom to access information from one place to another through the internet. In fact, the world, with its huge inter-connection, the internet -- it has now become borderless. They can now be able to talk face to face with their kins and relatives abroad.