ProvincialJamborette2008* @ VillaBianca

The LGU-Piat, led by the unbeatable mayor, Hon. Leonel C. Guzman and the workaholic vice-mayor, Atty. Carmelo (Blk) Villacete sponsored this-year's Provincial GirlScouts & BoyScouts Encampments and Jamborettes, respectively, at hacienda VillaBianca Resort, in barangay Maguilling, Piat, Cagayan.

The vice mayor took the oppurtunity to express his gratitude to the people of Piat who unconditionally given their support to this particular event, as he thank all the visitors and campers during his address. . .

ViceMayor Atty. Blk Villacete addreses the boyscouts during the evening coronation ceremony. . .

The boyscouts took their time in the survival training. . .

Piat District Camping activities was also held in VillaBianca before the provincial scouts activities". . .For more details (KliK-HeRe)

Piat district scouters in their early morning activities...

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