PhysicalPreparation Of
@ VillaBianca*Maguilling*Piat
The Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts Provincial Jamborettes was held last February 6-10 & 15-20, 2008 respectively, at hacienda Villa Bianca Resort, in barangay Maguilling, Piat, Cagayan.
The inexhaustive Municipal Engineer was in-charge of the committee on preparation of the campsite. At least, there is one accomplishment each day, "he said", rain or shine. . .
Engr James giving instructions to grader operator on where to start. . .
ViceMayor, Atty Villacete, Engr James and Maguilling barangay chairman are
settling about the route of the road network to be opened and graded
The workaholic ViceMayor, Atty Villacete is always on-the-go whenever he's needed. . .