
The photos of activities of the recent GirlScouts Provincial Encampment2008 and BoyScouts Provincial Jamborette 2008 held at CampVillaBianca are designed in different slide-presentations

If you desire to see more photos, please click on any-photo linkages with the sign of a hand -ENJOY!!!.

For more slideshows: Please Klick any of the following links. . .

ProvincialEncampment*2008* SlideShow #1
ProvincialEncampment*2008* SlideShow #2
ProvincialEncampment*2008* SlideShow #3
ProvincialEncampment*2008* SlideShow #4


Physical Prep*2008**SlideShow1*
Physical Prep*2008**SlideShow2*
Physical Prep*2008**SlideShow3*

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