Clean & Green *Being the priority project of Mayor Nel, "by maintaining our Clean and Green Projects, I hope, we can build our barangay hall", added Kapitana Fely. . .
You"re In Sicatna
You're WelCome
The BarangayChairwoman's Vision of Sicatna
The Most Western Barangay***
Barangay Sicatna is the most western barangay bordering Rizal and it is isolated by the Chico River, along with barangay Dugayung, this barangay is one of the tobacco producer in Piat.
*While barangay Sicatna is the most werstern barangay, its constituents are very optimistic to have their barangay hall in the very near future. We are also giving our best to have each home a backyard vegetable garden ..."says barangay chairwoman Fely".