Clean & Green *Being the priority project of Mayor Nel, "by maintaining our Clean and Green Projects plus our barangay beautification and expansion of our sugarplanters We hope to bring-in more barangay development in the future", added Kap. Celo. . .
You"re In Apayao
You're WelCome
The BarangayChairman's Vision of Villarey
The Most Progressive Barangay***
Barangay Villarey is one most sugarland in Piat. Being the first benificiary of Barangay Multi-Purpose Cooperative, barangay Villarey is strategic to all barrios of Piat, hence, it is the first barangay from Solana. . .
*While barangay Villarey is the first place to the town proper, this barangay is the third biggest sugarland next to Warat. We will develop our own backyard with green gardening ..."says barangay chairman Marcelo".