Clean & Green *By maintaining our Clean and Green Projects as the priority project of Mayor Nel, with our never ending Bayanihan, we may be able to attain our very objective. Since we are the first barangay to the north, we maybe able to sustain a tourism-friendly barangay", added Kap. Melo. . .
You"re In Villareyno
You're WelCome
The BarangayChairman's Vision of Villareyno
The 1stBarangay to North***
Barangay Villareyno is the first barrio to northern barangays. It is one of convergence barangay. No other
roads linking 3-northern barangays of Apayao, Minanga and Calaoagan. Villareyno is also a corn and rice producer.
One of the cleanest and greenest barangay in Piat, Villareyno is also producing green leafy vegetables.
*While clean and green is our priority project, in relation to the tourism project of Mayor Nel Guzman -- one the most important project we should tackle our barangay hall and day care center, ..."says barangay chairman Melo Santos".