The BarangayChairman's Vision of Warat

Clean & Green       *Being the priority project of Mayor Nel, the Clean and Green Project, we could do it including our infrastructure projects. We are opting of a new barangay cooperative to be stablished in Warat", added Kap. Sendo. . .

The Most Progressive Barangay***

firefox        Barangay Warat is the second largest sugarcane producer in Piat. This beautiful barangays is complete with basic amenities; such as the water system and elementary schools. This barangay is where the Welcome Arch of Piat is located.

       *While barangay Warat claims to be second in Sto. Domingo as sugarcane producer, they also have their own water systems. And, Warat is one of the best subdivision-barangay in Piat..."says barangay chairman Rosendo".

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